Starting a startup requires extensive knowledge about business
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The initial idea for a startup is only a beginning and not the key to the whole process 1 0 2In a technology startup, the founders should include technical people 1 0 1The founders of a startup need to include at least one person who can focus on what customers want 1 0 2Startups often require funding from investors 1 0 2Understanding your business is key to success as a startup 1 0 2Startups are a big risk financially 1 0 2Starting a startup does not require extensive knowledge about business 1 0 2Startups thrive in startup hubs like Silicon Valley because they understand the specialized business of startups 1 0 2Before talking to investors, startups need to be introduced to them 1 0 2Business skills are not essential for starting a company and can be acquired during the process 2 0 3