Spending money slowly does not encourage a culture of cheapness
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Argument #38c4d11a 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Startups often require funding from investors 1 0 2and
Self-funding a startup requires starting as a consulting company, which can be difficult to transition from 1 0 2and
Raising seed capital is comparatively easy due to the small amounts of money involved 1 0 2and
Investors at the seed stage do not usually expect an elaborate business plan 1 0 2and
Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Spending money slowly encourages a culture of cheapness 1 0 2Argument #5ed625bb 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Startups should aim to be cool and cheap, not expensive and impressive 1 0 2and
The location of a startup is very important for productivity 1 0 2and
Hiring unnecessary people slows down a company's progress 1 0 2and
The number of employees does not necessarily reflect the success of a company 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Spending money slowly encourages a culture of cheapness 1 0 2Argument #70705803 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Spending a lot on brand advertising is often a sign of problems in a business 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Spending money slowly encourages a culture of cheapness 1 0 2Citations
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Related Propositions
It's not your money 1 0 2Spending an unreasonable amount of time on a problem can lead to great work if one finds the work engaging 1 0 2Inexpensive products tend to become more powerful over time, eventually outperforming high-end products 1 0 2Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2Spending a lot on brand advertising is often a sign of problems in a business 1 0 2Spending money slowly encourages a culture of cheapness 1 0 2Startups should aim to be cool and cheap, not expensive and impressive 1 0 2Building something users love and spending less than you make is key to startup success 1 0 2Fundraising is hard because it's intrinsically difficult to convince people to part with large sums of money 1 0 2Raising too much money sets impossibly high expectations and can make a company more rigid 1 0 2