Startups should not spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is not a common cause of failure
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Argument #90d3c36d 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Intellectual property issues can threaten a startup's survival 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2Argument #abc182d3 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Startups often require funding from investors 1 0 2and
Raising seed capital is comparatively easy due to the small amounts of money involved 1 0 2and
Investors at the seed stage do not usually expect an elaborate business plan 1 0 2and
Investors provide funding in the hope of generating revenues 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2Citations
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Related Propositions
Most companies don't die because they run out of money 1 0 2In nearly every failed startup, the real problem was that customers didn't want the product 1 0 2Maximizing a startup's chances of success is more important than retaining a large amount of stock 1 0 2Startups should approach venture capital firms before they run out of money 1 0 2Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2When raising money, a startup should focus its whole attention on it so it can get done quickly and get back to work 1 0 2The amount a startup should raise depends on the startup's needs, not on the amount investors are willing to invest 1 0 2A startup will be in a much stronger position if it can make it to profitability without raising any additional money 1 0 2It is possible to raise too much money in startup fundraising 1 0 2If milestones are not achieved before funding depletes, the startup will fail 1 0 2