Retaining a large amount of stock is more important than maximizing a startup's chances of success
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Many startups raise large amounts of capital with meaningless metrics 1 0 1Maximizing a startup's chances of success is more important than retaining a large amount of stock 1 0 2Startups should approach venture capital firms before they run out of money 1 0 2Startups should spend their investment money wisely, as running out of money is a common cause of failure 1 0 2Building something users love and spending less than you make is key to startup success 1 0 2All other things being equal, the more of a startup hub a place is, the better startups will do there 1 0 2A high proportion of successful startups raise money 1 0 2The amount a startup should raise depends on the startup's needs, not on the amount investors are willing to invest 1 0 2A startup will be in a much stronger position if it can make it to profitability without raising any additional money 1 0 2Full-time founders who leave their current employment for the company should receive significantly more equity than those who remain in academia 1 0 2