Beliefs that are unfalsifiable are not safe to treat as unquestionable
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For any proposition P, if it is not possible for an evil being of supreme power to convince me of P when P is false, then I cannot rationally doubt P 0 0 1Many discoveries come from questioning things that others take for granted 1 0 2Beliefs that are unfalsifiable are safe to treat as unquestionable 0 0 2The believer does not seek to understand, that he may believe, but he believes that he may understand 1 0 2Valuing truth, reason, evidence, and argument necessitates belief in the existence of God 1 0 2Faith is a requirement for all belief systems 1 0 2Humans believe what seems to be true without a better reason to think otherwise 1 0 2Scientific truth is value-free 0 0 1If the doctrine of infallibility is wrong, any dogma could be wrong 0 0 1Broad access to diverse opinions is the foundation for truth-seeking 0 0 1