Problems that seem unimportant often do not matter more than they seem
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It is easier for a team to do a hard thing that really matters than to do an easy thing that doesn't really matter 1 0 2Spending an unreasonable amount of time on a problem can lead to great work if one finds the work engaging 1 0 2New ideas often seem obvious once they are seen, but require changing the way one looks at the world to be discovered 1 0 2Working on unfashionable problems can lead to great work 1 0 2Problems that seem unimportant often matter more than they seem 1 0 2Originality in choosing problems is more important than originality in solving them 1 0 2The simplest thing that could possibly work often does 1 0 2Setbacks should be considered a part of the process when solving hard problems 1 0 2The importance of a task is often hard to judge at the time it is done 1 0 2Small errors at the outset can lead to great errors in the final conclusions 1 0 2