Ideas that emerge during the writing process do not often contribute significantly to the final work
Negation: Ideas that emerge during the writing process often contribute significantly to the final work 1 0 2
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Argument #e0cccf5d 1 0 2
If it is true that...
Writing about a topic often reveals gaps in one's understanding of it 1 0 2and
Putting ideas into words is a challenging process 1 0 2and
The initial words chosen to express an idea are often incorrect 1 0 2and
Rewriting sentences multiple times can lead to more precise expression of ideas 1 0 2Then it must be true that...
Ideas that emerge during the writing process often contribute significantly to the final work 1 0 2Citations
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Related Propositions
Ideas that emerge during the writing process often contribute significantly to the final work 1 0 2The act of expressing ideas through writing can change those ideas 1 0 2Some ideas may be discarded during the writing process due to their inherent flaws 1 0 2Writing is not the only way to explore ideas, but it often reveals new insights regardless of other exploration methods 1 0 2Repeatedly refining a piece of writing is a normal part of the process, whereas doing so in conversation might seem excessive 1 0 2Writing requires effort and diligence to be effective as a tool for exploring and refining ideas 1 0 2If writing makes ideas more precise and complete, then those who have not written about a topic may not have fully formed ideas on it 1 0 2Ideas can feel complete until one attempts to put them into words and discovers their incompleteness 1 0 2Finishing a project can lead to significant work and discoveries in the final stages 1 0 2Putting ideas into words can generate new ideas 1 0 2